Starting university is a scary thing, some people find it harder than others, especially if you're moving away from home for the first time. I started uni a year ago and honestly first year was probably the best year of my life so make the most of every moment! However I did sometimes feel extremely homesick and it is to be expected so don't be ashamed of it because those around you probably feel exactly the same even if they aren't showing it. One of the things that are really hard to do is have a good balance, you need to phone and visit home often in order to overcome your homesickness however too much of this can lead to you feeling even more homesick. Another thing is try and socialise and don't lock yourself away, sometimes it can be hard not to fall into the habit of locking yourself away in your room when you're feeling down. I went through a time of doing this and I honestly came to hate my room, it felt like a prison cell to me and all I wanted was to...