Take time to talk

I haven't posted in 3 months, and whilst I have ideas of topics to write about I thought I'd take the time to just talk about my past months and my thoughts. Talking is important, and even if you're not necessarily getting a response, like this blog post, I don't know who it will reach and who will respond or if anyone even will respond. You need to just get things off your chest from time to time!

  So just a quick update on my life, for the past couple of months I have been trying to settle into my new uni house and get used to second year. And before I know it, I'm here in December and semester one is basically over! Honestly it has been a rollercoaster of emotions and I have been so busy and yet to get into a good routine. Time has flown by and I have failed at writing a blog post, as well as keeping on top of a million other things I need to do. However I realised it was important to get to a stage where I felt ready to post again and it wasn't just another chore I had to do along with everything else! I want to enjoy what I'm writing and put my all into it, not just post because I felt I had to.
 During this time I have also manged to get myself a part time job, which is good because I have an income and it takes away the stress of money, but it also adds stress to my life as my week is either uni or work! I'm working really hard to get a good balance of time for myself, work and to socialise.
 I've also had stress to do with where I'm going to be living in my third year at uni, my ideal situation was to stay in the house we have now, especially so I could possibly work over summer if I needed to but due to certain circumstances that isn't an option. Now the pressure and stress of finding a house for next year is on.
 It is now a few days after Christmas, a load of birthdays have also been and gone including my own and I have got to that point where I think I am on top of everything for now and can take some time for myself for once. I hope from now on to be posting more actively as I have a load of ideas I can't wait to work on! Stay tuned!




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